(Hong Kong, 1 Jun, 2022) – EquitiesFirst, the global asset-based financing corporation, today celebrated the record-breaking, successful 2022 summit of Everest by legendary 14 Peaks’ mountaineer Nimsdai Purja MBE (“Nims”).

Source: https://www.nimsdai.com
Between May 7 and May 16 2022, Nims set two new World Records. The first record is for speed. Nims summited Everest, Lhotse and Kanchenjunga, in eight days, 23 hours and 10 minutes without oxygen. The second record is for completing the Everest to Lhotse traverse without oxygen in 26 hours.
Nims said today, “I am delighted to summit Everest. We made great progress and the weather conditions were excellent. At every step of the way, my focus was on guiding and helping our team achieve their new possible. My mission has always been to inspire people and to show what human beings are capable of. This is what gives me energy and excitement; showing people that nothing is impossible. I want to inspire everyone to know they can achieve their dreams and thank EquitiesFirst for their partnership.”
EquitiesFirst Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Mr Al Christy Jr said today, “Setting two new World Records in under nine days proves what we have always known: Nims is a force of nature. We are delighted Nims has successfully summited Everest as well as Lhotse and Kanchenjunga in record time. As I have mentioned, Nims’ perspective that, with a determined approach and positive mindset, everything in life is possible, aligns precisely with our own business philosophy.”
Founded in 2002, EquitiesFirst understands the challenges life can present people and businesses. Al Christy started out by helping save a third-generation, family-owned apple farm in Michigan, USA by providing the capital needed to secure their business and legacy. Today, EquitiesFirst has successfully transacted over US$3 billion worth of loans for clients around the world.
Nims achieved global recognition through the global hit Netflix documentary “14 Peaks: Nothing is Impossible” which recorded him summiting all 14 of the world’s highest mountains in just six months and six days in 2019. Born in Nepal, and formerly serving in the British Special Forces, Nims’ 14 Peaks journey started with climbing Annapurna, Nepal in April 2019 and ended at the summit of Shishapangma, China in October 2019.
Nims stands alone in terms of Big Mountain success. Only 44 climbers have achieved the feat of consecutively ascending all 14 of the world’s highest peaks. The previous world record stood at seven years, 10 months and six days. Nims achieved the same feat in just six months and six days.

Copyright Nimsdai.

Copyright Nimsdai.
EquitiesFirst, the global asset-based financing corporation, today celebrated the record-breaking, successful 2022 summit of Everest by legendary 14 Peaks’ mountaineer Nimsdai Purja MBE (“Nims”).
Media Enquiries:
Juliana Ng, EquitiesFirst
+852-3958-4512 | jng@equitiesfirst.com
Winky Chow, Ruder Finn
+852-2201-6474 | choww@ruderfinnasia.com
About Equities First Holdings
Founded in 2002, EquitiesFirst is a global investor specializing in long-term asset-backed financing. EquitiesFirst’s approach overcomes traditional limitations and redefines the financing experience through providing efficient access to capital for listed companies, entrepreneurs and investors against publicly traded securities. The total value of loans transacted is more than US$3 billion as of January 2022.
Headquartered in Indianapolis, USA, EquitiesFirst maintains an international footprint of twelve offices in eight countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, China, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore and Australia. EquitiesFirst is licensed and/or registered in all jurisdictions where required.
EquitiesFirst is the pioneer of Progressive Capital – a partnership approach to investment, rooted in respect, mutual interest and understanding. EquitiesFirst delivers liquidity solutions that are vital, transformative and move partners forward.
For more information, please visit www.equitiesfirst.com/.
About Nimsdai
Nimsdai ‘Nims’ Purja is the multi-world record breaking mountaineer who climbed all 14 of the world’s “Death Zone” peaks over 8,000m in just six months and six days in 2019. He led the first winter ascent of the “Savage Mountain” K2 in 2021. His documentary film “14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible” is out now on Netflix as is his best-selling book “Beyond Possible”. Nims is a UNEP Mountain Advocate, a Global Goodwill Ambassador for Nepal Tourism and founder of the charitable Nimsdai Foundation.
For more information, please visit www.nimsdai.com.
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