EquitiesFirst is a value investor, managing a public equities portfolio. Our unique method of portfolio construction establishes each position through equity-backed financing provided directly to long-term investors.
The EquitiesFirst portfolio is diversified across global markets and industry sectors. Our investment team generates alpha on each position, as any long-only investment manager would, through robust fundamental and technical analysis, risk management and ongoing trading and portfolio rebalancing activity. Our investment strategy does not employ short-selling or permit lending assets to third parties.
As of 31 January 2023, the total loans issued by EquitiesFirst exceeded US$4.5 billion.
EquitiesFirst’s key financial innovation is its method of portfolio construction. We work directly with long-term, concentrated shareholders to provide competitive non-recourse capital against their equity assets.
For partners, this is a competitive and efficient source of capital for their needs or ambitions. For us, it is a highly efficient way to build our portfolio and align interests with our partners for the loan term.